Calling all yoga renegades!


Calling all yoga renegades!

Join the Yoga and Body Image Coalition and Yoga International in celebrating the release of Melanie Klein’s newest anthology, Yoga Rising: 30 Empowering Stories from Yoga Renegades for Every Body, as well as the yoga renegade in every body!

Follow these simple steps and become eligible for some great prizes, including one of five FREE spots in Melanie Klein’s next Yoga & Body Image Online Immersion, which begins Monday, April 9, and will dive deeply into this new collection of stories with a worldwide community. Additional prizes include online access to the Yoga and Body Image Summit (a $99 value) and an annual Yoga International membership (a $179 value).

Dates: February 19–23, 2018

To enter:

1. Follow @melmelklein, @ybicoalition, and @yoga_international on Instagram.

2. Post a photo of you with a copy of Yoga Rising.

3. Tell us what it means to be a “yoga renegade.”

4. Use the hashtags #yogarisingbook #yogarising #whatayogilookslike.

Five winners will be announced via the @ybicoalition Instagram on Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Good luck, and here’s to yoga renegades everywhere!

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Yoga International
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