Vikriti Test


How does ayurveda understand why we have symptoms like: bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, depression, weight gain, or loss...? The idea is called our current state of imbalance—imbalance in our natural elemental quality. That imbalance is called “vikriti.”(As with many Sanskrit words, vikriti and vikruti, are both correct. They are simply from different transliterations) Everyone is born with a specific amount of each element: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether (space). That is why bodies look so different. Our unique mix of biological humors is called our “prakriti.” It is made up all of the elements. We understand this elemental make up as our dosha prakriti or our constitution. When we have a diet, environment and/or season change, our lifestyle is not supportive of our biological humor or constitution. Then, we are imbalanced or in “vikriti.” This state of imbalance is not static and changes with the hour of the day, season of the year and chronological stage of life. 

Please take the following little self-test to see what currently seems to be most imbalanced in your constitution. You make decisions based upon vikruti as to how to best balance your digestion, even knowing what specific asana might be best for you to bring balance to your constitution or true nature.

Please answer questions according to how you have been feeling over the past month.

Begin your journey to well-being and transformation now!

About the Teacher

Kathryn Templeton
Kathryn Templeton, MA, RDT/ MT/LPC, E-500 RYT, C-IAYT. Ayurvedic practitioner Kathryn Templeton has devoted... Read more