Asana and Pranayama for Anxiety and Concentration

Increase concentration, reduce anxiety, and enhance right-left integration of body and mind with this unique practice, which uses asymmetrical arm and leg movements in postures to increase mental focus. You will also work with the breath—extending the length of the breath and briefly retaining the breath—in some of the asana and in ujjayi pranayama (pranayama done with a slight constriction of the throat). The sequence includes standing, forward-bending, and back-bending postures, twists, and floor work, as well as pranayama.

For this class you'll need: cushion or chair for seated pranayama.

Props: Chair

About the Teacher

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Kathy Ornish
Kathy Ornish is a certified yoga therapist and teacher through the American Viniyoga Institute (AVI),... Read more