Clarity in the Chaos

How can we find clarity in the midst of chaos?

In this class, you’ll take time to get grounded and express each pose in a way that’s just right for you. Begin with a seated breathing and visualization practice and then enjoy a feel-good warm-up that includes side bends, lunges, lizard, pigeon, and more. After that, you’ll flow back and forth from warrior I to humble warrior, play with warrior I variations and transitions from eagle pose to warrior III, then do bridge pose, compass pose, and more.

Class concludes with another visualization practice in savasana followed by a seated meditation where you’ll further explore the shift from chaos to clarity.

About the Teacher

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Jean Mazzei
Jean Mazzei, (E-RYT 500), has logged over 15,000 teaching hours. Often called “a teacher’s teacher,”... Read more