Daily Accessible Chair Yoga Practice

Find the balance between effort and relaxation in this chair sequence that begins with an “accepting what is” centering practice. After that, you’ll do a warm-up, side-body stretches, and sun salutes. You’ll also do a bolster-supported cobra, leg and hip stretches using a strap, a chair triangle pose, lion pose, and more. 

Enjoy the straightforward alignment tips Jivana offers so that you can tailor the practice to suit your needs. 

This daily class concludes with a short meditation. 

Note: Jivana suggests putting a mat under your chair to keep it stable throughout the class.

Props: blanket, blocks, bolster, chair, strap

About the Teacher

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Jivana Heyman
Jivana Heyman, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, is the founder and director of Accessible Yoga, an international non-profit... Read more