From the Ground Upward: Eka Pada Galavasana

Whether you seek flight in eka pada galavasana (flying pigeon pose) or you’re looking for a methodical yet creative hip-focused class, this practice is for you. 

You’ll begin with lots of strengthening and mobilizing movements for your hips and wrists as well as integrated core work where you’ll simulate eka pada galavasana on your back. After that, you’ll do a sequence that includes a pigeon variation, dynamic work on your hands, and more, before you move into a block-supported version of eka pada galavasana, a twisted variation of the pose, and a tripod headstand to eka pada galavasana transition. (Carrie offers other poses you can do if you’re not inclined to try this transition.) 

This enlivening adventure concludes with a chair-supported eka pada galavasana followed by a fully-supported chair version of shoulderstand, and a sweet prop-supported savasana.

About the Teacher

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Carrie Owerko
Carrie Owerko has been teaching yoga and exploring the relationship between body, breath, and mind for... Read more