Nurture Your Heart During Times of Grieving

In this heart-centered practice, you’ll nourish yourself with breathing practices designed to allay some of the heaviness and numbness that comes with grief. You’ll do flowing seated twists, bhastrika breathing, crocodile pose, and anuloma viloma (an invigorating alternate nostril breathing practice that can help clear the fatigue associated with grief). Enjoy the gentle pace of this experience, which concludes with a guided savasana and heart-healing meditation.

Be sure to have a sandbag or breathing pillow (for gentle compression on your belly while in a supine position) and two blankets on hand for this practice.

About the Teacher

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Kathryn Templeton
Kathryn Templeton, MA, RDT/ MT/LPC, E-500 RYT, C-IAYT. Ayurvedic practitioner Kathryn Templeton has devoted... Read more