Spanda Pavanmuktasana Vinyasa: Short Version

Pavanmuktasana, the inspiration for this sequence, means "wind-eliminating pose." In this stand-alone or warm-up practice, you’ll stimulate the “wind in the body”* in a gentle yet energizing way. You’ll do flowing, breath-filled, stirring movements in three seated positions: baddha konasana (bound angle pose), dandasana (staff pose), and upavishta konasana (wide-legged seated forward bend). 

Enjoy this simple, effective sequence you can do any time. 

* The yoga tradition describes five movements or functions of prana (or vital energy) known as the vayus (literally “winds”). According to the tradition, when they’re functioning harmoniously, we are as well!

About the Teacher

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Jaime Stover Schmitt
Jaime Stover Schmitt- Founder and Director of Spanda® Yoga Movement Therapy Dr. Schmitt is a pioneer... Read more