Strengthen Your Ankles, Knees, and Lower Back

In this mobilizing and strengthening practice, you’ll begin with a sequence for your feet, calves, and knees. (These tension-relieving stretches are for everyone, but can be particularly helpful for people with plantar fasciitis.) After that, you’ll strengthen your lower back with salabhasana (locust pose) and supine leg stretches and then wind down with mindful breathing and a sweet guided savasana. 

Note: For one of the exercises in this practice Aadil uses a yoga wedge, but if you don’t have a wedge, you can use a block instead. 

About the Teacher

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Aadil Palkhivala
Aadil Palkhivala is one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. He began his asana studies with B.K.S.... Read more