
Toggling Between Single Tasks, Stillness, and Play

This eclectic practice provides you with “micro interventions”—centering movement Enjoy this workshop-style class that’s designed to bring more clarity and focus to your practice and invigorate your day. This eclectic practice provides you with “micro interventions”—centering movement practices to wake up your body during the day. You’ll move through a wide range of held poses and flows, including a bolster-supported chest-opener, leg lifts in anantasana (Vishnu’s couch pose), dolphin push-ups, a down dog/pigeon variation to prone triangle flow, supta baddha konasana (reclined bound angle pose), and more.

Props: Blocks, blanket, bolster.

About the Teacher

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Cyndi Lee
Cyndi Lee has been teaching yoga since 1978, meditation since 1994, and leading teacher trainings since... Read more