Yoga for Menopause: Triceps

We tend to use the triceps less often than say the biceps in daily life, and therefore they often require focused strength-building, especially as we age. This yoga for menopause class is designed to strengthen these muscles without overfatiguing them. You’ll practice different types of supportive push-up techniques along with dolphin pose and upward facing table. Later in the practice, you’ll also work on balancing poses (such as eagle pose and warrior III) as it’s also important to keep developing our balance as we age.

Try this sequence out and notice if it leaves you feeling stronger.

About the Teacher

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Kathryn Templeton
Kathryn Templeton, MA, RDT/ MT/LPC, E-500 RYT, C-IAYT. Ayurvedic practitioner Kathryn Templeton has devoted... Read more