Better Backbends Challenge


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Challenge Outline

7 Days to complete

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Section 1
  • Backbends are expansive postures that embody joy. Through this progression of simple backbends and counterposes that includes expert attention to alignment, explore key actions of the legs and upper body leading up to ushtrasana, or camel pose. Enjoy the open, wheel-like feeling that a well-aligned backbend creates.
Section 2
  • This lively 50-minute all-levels practice is perfect for sluggish mornings, or really anytime you need a boost of energy. Join Jackie as you weave movement, sound, and breath—lifting your spirits through asana!
Section 3
  • Invigorate the back of the body! This sequence strengthens the lower, mid, and upper back through a strong standing and backbending sequence. Follow the practice with a short relaxation and mantra meditation.
Section 4
  • This invigorating vinyasa flow will challenge and strengthen your body, as well as free your breath and open your heart in deep backbends! This sequence could help you wake up on a sluggish morning, and it's also a great option for any time of day.
Section 5
  • Here's a Jivamukti practice to open the heart and refine your backbends. Start by bringing your breath and awareness to tight places in the body. Then get grounded with malasana (garland pose), and engage with mulabandha (root lock) for the entire practice. With guidance on the flow of your breath, this vinyasa sequence moves through a range of postures, emphasizing backbends, with options offered to make the more advanced postures accessible to all levels. The practice ends with a short meditation and a relaxation in shavasana.
Section 6
  • This dynamic practice will focus on preparing the body for the apex pose, eka pada rajakapotasana, or one-legged king pigeon—a pose that is somewhat challenging, as it requires external and internal hip rotation, shoulder and arm extension, and a deep backbend. This sequence serves to isolate these parts of the body and eventually put them together for the full expression of the posture. Be sure to take your time, even stop and rest if the practice becomes too challenging; and remember, you can always revisit this practice later!
Section 7
  • Wake up and join Kat for some challenging backbends and inversions—and put a little spring in your step!\n\nPrerequisites: The ability to kick up to a handstand against the wall and push up into urdhva dhanurasana, or a full backbend with straight arms.
  • Take 20 minutes to restore your body and mind in this supported backbend practice. Open your chest and shoulders with the support of blankets, cushions, bolsters, and blocks. Let the tension-relieving effects of this class flow into your day, and enjoy!

Challenge Overview

Backbends: invigorating and empowering or uncomfortable and frustrating—or all of the above?

We here at YI have been bending over backwards finding ways to help you make these freeing poses more sustainable and enjoyable. That's why we've created this free seven-day challenge! Open your heart to a week of backbend-centric classes, featuring ways to recognize and avoid common mistakes as you learn to refine, benefit from, and truly appreciate backbends.

Each day, for seven days, we'll send a hand-picked yoga class straight to your inbox so you can learn from the comfort of your own home. Sign up below to get started!

Here's to happier backbending!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.