Exploring Awareness


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Challenge Outline

2.7hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • Welcome To Exploring Awareness

Section 2
  • Embody awareness, openness, and connection. In this module, Mukti shows you how to take your seat and then guides you through a practice that illuminates the energetics of your alignment.
Section 3
  • Cultivate spaciousness and step into this moment afresh. In this practice, Mukti invites you to explore thoughts as something you receive versus something that you are. You’ll allow them to be present as they vie for your attention, but without investing too much in them.
Section 4
  • Deepen your awareness until it becomes your identity. In this practice, Mukti invites you to listen with your body and being, allowing your “attention to flower into the room.” As you track sound and sensation, soften the desire to manage and label what you perceive and open to the experience.
Section 5
  • Loosen identification with your thinking mind. In this practice, Mukti invites you to be the observer and ask yourself questions such as “What notices thought? What notices sensation?” You’ll learn how to anchor yourself in a wide perspective...a global listening.
Section 6
  • Learn how to feel what you feel with compassion. In this practice, Mukti invites you to abide in your awareness as you allow your emotions to unfold, express, and potentially be liberated. This is a grounded experience that’s rooted in self-acceptance, where you’ll leave at the door any desire to forcibly “root out” or “fix” emotions.
Section 7
  • Rest in awareness. In this practice, Mukti invites you to cultivate a felt sense that your body is “being breathed.” You’ll use this attention to body and breath to both expand the scope of your awareness and settle into feelings of groundedness and relaxation.
Section 8
  • Learn how to hold everything intimately within your heart. In this practice, Mukti invites you to explore a soft yet expansive attention, where you’ll sense the world around you (all of the sounds and sights) unfolding within your body and heart. As you’re invited into this “larger body” of life, allow “the listener to become the listening” and “the seer to become the seeing.”
Section 9
  • Meet yourself in the middle and just be. In this practice, Mukti invites you to examine pairs of opposites by “holding” opposite thoughts in your palms. Give them your attention, noticing how they feel and which thought may feel truer, and then find yourself somewhere between them…without judgment, in a space of awareness.
Section 10
  • Know yourself differently. In this practice, Mukti invites you to imagine yourself as a body of water—a clear, still mountain lake. Then you’ll drop a question into this water, a question that’s meant to introduce you to the mystery of your being.
Section 11
  • Remember your nature. In this practice, Mukti invites you into a standing practice, where you pretend that you’re hugging a tree, imbibing grounding energy as you honor the wholeness of life and your unique part in it. Hold this posture for as long as it is comfortable, “growing” into an expanded awareness.

Challenge Overview

Join Mukti for an expansive program where you’ll learn how to know yourself differently…not purely as an individual doer, but as a being who is inherently connected to everything.

You’ll be guided through 10 grounding and heartfelt meditations, each of which is designed to help you cultivate deeper listening and a sense of openness that’s inclusive of all beings. Along the way, you’ll also learn how to hold more compassionate space for yourself and for the unique part you play within the whole.

Experience yourself and the world around you with more depth and clarity. And as you step into each moment afresh, take with you a spirit of discovery.

Meet Your Teacher

teacher avatar image
Mukti’s name originates in Sanskrit and is most often translated as “liberation,” a term used in Vedanta... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.