Getting A Good Night’s Sleep: An iRest Yoga Nidra Approach


Challenge Outline

1hr to complete

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Section 1
  • Welcome to the program! In this first module, Richard explains why restful sleep is so important, what a lack of it can cause, and how iRest practices can support deep sleep.
  • In this module, you’ll learn practical tips and soothing iRest affirmations you can use to prepare your body and mind for restful sleep. Try them before you go to sleep or to fall back asleep when you wake up in the middle of the night.
Section 2
  • Feeling tired? Move into a state of peaceful rest or fall asleep with this guided relaxation. Either way, this practice is designed to leave you feeling calm and refreshed.
  • Enter into a deep and restful sleep with this yoga nidra practice. You’ll be guided to let go of your thinking mind and connect with breath and sensation in order to experience a deeper sense of well-being as you drift off to sleep.
Section 3
  • Wherever you are, take a minute out of your day to just be, and welcome whatever is present for you right now.
  • Tap into the sweet ease of just being with this short, grounding practice.
  • Let go of your thinking mind and allow yourself to be with sensations and feelings just as they are in this nourishing, heart-centered practice.

Challenge Overview

Sleep is as essential to our overall health and well-being as food, water, air, and shelter. That said, a good night’s sleep can sometimes seem like an elusive event, especially during challenging times. That’s why it’s helpful to have daytime and nighttime practices you can turn to to ease your body and mind for sleep, take a restful nap during the day, and help you fall asleep (and stay asleep) at night.

In this program, Richard Miller, founder and chairman of the iRest Institute and the developer of iRest meditation, explores why sleep is so important, what happens when we sleep, what happens when we are sleep deprived, and how evidence-based iRest meditation can support deep and restful sleep. He offers you tips and affirmation practices you can use before bed to help you fall asleep or back asleep when you wake up in the middle of the night. And, to help you prime your mind and body for a good night’s rest, he also offers you a bedtime yoga nidra for deep sleep, a 12-minute nap to restore your physical and creative energies during the day, and three shorter iRest practices—one, three, and five minutes long—that you can use throughout the day to be more accepting of the present moment so that when bedtime comes you’ll feel more at ease.

Support your body and mind with these practices that can help you rest well and be able to live better.

Meet Your Teacher

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Dr. Richard Miller
Richard is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, author, yogic scholar, researcher and clinical psychologist,... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.