How to make peace with your self ... then your body


Course Outline

1hr to complete

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Section 1
  • Dianne shares the overall intention behind this program and maps out what's to come. She also breaks down powerful off-the-mat steps that you can take right now to make peace with your body and your self.
  • Learn how to turn classic poses into "power poses"—postures that can help you stand in the fullness of your power. This sequence includes a dynamic warrior series, strength-building vinyasa flow, and concludes in a simple seat where you'll express gratitude for all that your body can do. When things feel too challenging, remember that honoring your body and taking a break as needed is also powerful. Show up, take up space, and be unapologetically you.
  • The dual themes of this class are connecting to core values (what you stand for) and expressing gratitude to your body for showing up. You'll explore a short core-powered flow, supine core practices, and conclude the experience in a seated pose: breathing in gratitude, breathing out love, and taking a moment to appreciate all that you are.
  • In this final class, Dianne shows you how to flip the societal script of "I am not enough." You'll create a mantra that's highly personal and empowering and then lie back in a restorative pose and repeat this mantra to yourself. Take this time to rest within what makes you (already) wonderful.
  • Santosha Journal

  • Mindfulness as a Superpower

Course Overview

Due to socially constructed ideals surrounding body image and self-worth, too often we're striving to be "better" (smarter, stronger, more attractive) without realizing that we're already enough.

Join Yoga For All co-founder Dianne Bondy for a dynamic program where you'll learn how to flip the self-improvement script and step into your power, making peace with both your body and yourself.

This experience includes:

  • A discussion, where Dianne offers off-the-mat steps you can take to cultivate a positive self-image.

  • Two asana practices, where you'll learn how to express gratitude for the body you have and connect to your core values (your personal truth).

  • A class where Dianne will show you how to formulate a personal mantra and learn how to speak to yourself in an empowering and kind way.

Here's to being unapologetically you.

photo credit: Annie Killam

Meet Your Teacher

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Dianne Bondy
Dianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher, and the leader of the Yoga... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this course in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This course is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Course completion.
No prerequisites are required; this course is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the course is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.