Tantra and the Subtle Body: Accessing the Power of the Navel Center


Course Outline

1.75hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • In this introduction, Sandra explains the focus of the course and then gives you an overview of tantric anatomy and subtle body concepts that will be helpful to understand as you begin.
  • Learn the creation story of the lotus of the navel (from the texts Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Durga Saptashati) and about the power of the kanda—the creative transformational force within us that allows for growth according to tantric tradition.
  • Our sadhana or yoga practice addresses our minds as well as our bodies. Learn how kanda can inform and enhance our sadhana, helping us to release unconscious habits so that we can be more at peace with ourselves.
Section 2
  • Connect with the kanda region of the body (the navel center and the pelvis) with this breath-centered practice. You’ll do a variation of child’s pose to activate the kanda, seated twists, supine abdominal strengtheners, cow face pose (gomukhasana), and more. You’ll finish with a reclined breathing practice designed to further activate the kanda. Props: blanket
  • In this class, you’ll do pranayama (breathwork) practices to enliven the kanda. In the first pranayama, you’ll engage the sides of the abdominal wall separately and then together. After that, you’ll do agni sara (fire essence), bhastrika (bellows breath), and more. Sandra also offers you tips for how and when to integrate these practices into your sadhana. Props: blanket or bolster
Section 3
  • Sandra gives you an overview of the seated kanda meditation and explains the benefits of this fulfilling practice.
  • Enjoy this guided meditation where you’ll visualize fire in the kanda region of your body and silently chant the mantra Ram. Props: blanket or bolster
Section 4
  • It’s easy to lose energy when we get caught up in the demands of daily life. Learn how to identify these “energy leaks” and why developing a one-pointed mind is central to keeping your energy intact.
  • Sandra explains how we can cultivate contentment and even-mindedness in daily life, which can help us to reign in the reactive energies that deplete us.
  • Sandra reviews the essential teachings of this course, how they can benefit us, and explains their role in the tantric tradition.

Course Overview

Dig deeper into yoga with this uplifting exploration of the subtle body.

Connecting with the subtle body can help us cultivate contentment and develop greater awareness and sensitivity, thus enhancing our yoga practice and our daily life. In this course, Sandra Anderson introduces you to the tantric concept of kanda—the primary source of the subtle body’s energy that evolves into “the lotus of the navel”—and guides you through kanda-focused classes so you can experience its balancing effects. Along the way, she encourages you to tailor the sequences for yourself, and if you’re a teacher, to adapt them for your students.

There are two short introductory talks—one on the creation story of kanda and the other on the role of kanda in yoga practice. These are followed by a hatha yoga sequence for kanda, a pranayama (breathwork) for kanda activation class, and a kanda meditation class. Sandra closes with two short talks—one on identifying how and when we become depleted in daily life, and the other on cultivating equanimity.

This course is appropriate for all levels and for both students and teachers.

Meet Your Teacher

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Sandra Anderson
For over 20 years Sandra Anderson has shared her extensive experience in yoga theory and practice with... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this course in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This course is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Course completion.
No prerequisites are required; this course is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the course is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.