
At-Home Yoga Kit Course Sales Page

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High quality courses and classes with experienced and authentic instructors.

Course Overview

Starting and maintaining a home yoga practice can be tough if you don’t know where to start. This At-Home Yoga Kit, which contains classes, meditations, courses, articles and an ebook, is the perfect way to inspire hours of home practice. Whether you’re a complete beginner, or a seasoned practitioner who’s just getting back into your practice, this kit has you covered. With vinyasa, kundalini, iyengar, restorative, and yoga therapy classes, you'll have the opportunity to try new styles or stick to what you know and love.

Certificate of completion

3 CEU’s Upon Completion

Self Paced Learning

Course Outline

2 hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • 30-Minute Focused, Fun Flow

  • Release tension with this prop-supported restorative practice. As physical stress is coaxed from the body, the mind and breath can slow down to re-establish a relaxed state. You’ll do a heart-opener, a forward fold, side-body openers, and a sweet thigh-supported savasana.
  • In this playful balance-focused practice, you’ll work toward kasyapasana (half bound lotus side plank) or a non-bound variation of the pose, and you’ll also explore a chair-supported kasyapasana variation.
  • Activate your core with this circuit of six exercises that target the anterior, posterior, lateral, and rotational abdominal muscles. Infuse this sequence of crunches, curls, and more into your regular practice a few times a week to increase trunk strength and stability.
  • Feeling depleted? Long work hours, lack of sleep, and even “over-exercise” can cause you to feel taxed. In this class, you’ll experience moderately energizing techniques for self-care. The rapid sequence includes twists, upward planks, breath of fire practice, core-strengthening, and more.
Section 2
  • Guided Meditation: Unplug From Your Thoughts

    Guided Meditation
  • This seated meditation uses the imagery of a circle of light to help you prepare for a deep and restorative sleep. Let go of any effort and enjoy the experience.
  • Explore contentment and positive emotion with this guided visualization that begins and ends with the sound of Tibetan singing bowls. Nadia will invite you to experience the subtle differences between the feelings of love, peace, and joy throughout this breath-filled experience. Enjoy!
Section 3
  • As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, most of our lives—both professionally and socially—have moved entirely online. Some states are slowly opening up, but many of us still attend our favorite (formerly in-person) yoga classes at home, online.  If this applies to you, maybe you’ve been wondering what to do about props. Especially if you’ve been attending classes that incorporate props on a regular basis, you may fret about not having the right equipment. Maybe this has even stopped you from taking some online classes that are more prop-heavy.  But fear not! As a prop-indulgent yogi, I can...
  • Senior teacher Rachel Land shares an outside-the-box method you can use to build a consistent and rewarding home practice from scratch. A home yoga practice is suddenly more vital than ever. This means that many people are experiencing the challenge of unrolling a yoga mat to practice without a schedule, teacher, or fellow students for motivation. And this is in the face of myriad distractions—from remote work, roommates, family, and the state of the world.  Maintaining a dedicated practice in the face of uncertainty is not easy, but there are many solutions. Here’s one you may not have thought...
  • Many people view yoga and advancing in yoga poses as predominantly a matter of becoming more flexible. However, flexibility is always in a dynamic relationship with building strength. Staying strong in every pose and learning to engage our muscles properly inspires a sense of steadiness. Even in poses that require significant mobility, you must engage your muscles to avoid overstretching. As we practice, there is an ever evolving relationship between becoming and staying steady while opening up the body.  Additionally, becoming physically stronger can also benefit you mentally. It can build confidence...
Section 4
  • Welcome! In this first module, Chelsey tells you what this progressive core-centered program is all about.
  • Props: blocks, blanket, wall In your first class, you’ll tap into your core confidence with a mobilizing and strengthening sequence. You’ll warm up with active wrist and shoulder stretches from all fours and rolling spinal waves from kneeling. Then, you’ll come onto your back for progressive core-strengthening practices and integrative movements for your glutes, ribs, and head. After that you’ll move to the wall for hip- and core-strengthening kneeling crunches and blanket slides. You’ll conclude with a thirty second forearm plank “test” to gauge your current core strength!
  • In your second class, you’ll explore your hidden strengths and the strengths you’re still developing as you build on the practices you’ve already done. You’ll begin with the active wrist and shoulder warm-ups, then move on to a sequence that includes asymmetrical scapular push-ups from hands and knees, knee-to-elbow crunches from all fours, scapular push-ups from sphinx, a forearm plank hold (longer than yesterday’s!), “elevator lifts” from down dog—where you tap your wrist with your knee and then slide your knee up and down your arm—and more. Then, once the active work is over, you’ll conclude...
  • Props: blanket In class three, you’ll work on building trust in your body as you dig even deeper into your core strength. You’ll begin with wrist and shoulder stretches and scapular push-up variations, adding scapular push-ups from plank into the mix this time. After that, you’ll move into a fiery sequence that includes asymmetrical knee and wrist hovering from a tabletop walk, blanket slides from forearm plank, side-to-side hovering hops from a squat position, hollow body rocks, and more. Catch your breath at the end with a prone scorpion twist designed to stretch your hips and shoulders.
  • In the fourth class, you’ll ramp up the intensity even more with a practice that capitalizes on the strength you’ve built thus far. After the warm-up (this one includes a blanket slide variation of the scapular push-ups), you’ll move on to a challenging sequence that includes shoulder shrugs from a block-enhanced up dog, a step-by-step block-supported crow pose, “crow leans,” forearm plank to plank blanket slides, a scapular push-up variation sequence, and more. Cool down at the end with a blanket-supported gecko pose, bow pose, and child’s pose.
  • In the final class of the program, you’ll recognize all that you’ve accomplished throughout this core adventure with a fun practice that kicks things up a notch. You’ll begin with the standard warm-up and some of the scapular push-up core strengtheners from previous classes. After that, you’ll move on to a scapular push-up variation you’ll do from an arm balance, rolling down dogs that mobilize your spine, a flow that includes crow pose scapular push-ups, blanket slide walks, hollow body rocks, knee-to-elbow variations from plank, and more. Near the end, you’ll take a well-deserved rest in a variation...
Section 5
  • Welcome to "Healing and Preventing Wrist Pain." In this segment, Doug offers an overview of what this course will entail.
  • Doug will break down the anatomy of the wrists, forearms, and elbows. He'll also explore wrist-strengthening exercises, and he'll offer optimal alignment suggestions for the wrists, shoulders, and elbows in weight-bearing poses.
  • Stretch and strengthen the wrists and explore optimal shoulder alignment! Join Doug for a 25-minute practice that will allow you to progressively work toward weight-bearing poses. This class includes an exploration of chaturanga arms, a wrist-friendly version of downward facing dog, and comprehensive pose breakdowns. Props: 2 blocks.
  • Join Doug for this 40-minute practice for healthy wrists. This class includes creative prop options that will help you strengthen the wrists and forearms and comprehensive breakdowns of mayurasana arms, dolphin pose, bridge pose, wheel, and more. Enjoy.
Section 6
  • Luke welcomes you to the program and explains why the wellness tools you’re about to learn are so important for your overall well-being.
  • Learn how to breathe more deeply and more efficiently in a seated and then prone position. Luke walks you through a few simple steps so you can relax well in both of these postures.
  • Improve your range of motion with these feel-good stretches for your whole body. Luke encourages you to go slowly and breathe well to release tension and to get the full benefit of each stretch.
  • Mobilize and strengthen your whole body in this practice that’s designed to activate your shoulders, legs, hips, core, and more.
  • Learning how to relax is a skill. In this session, Luke guides you through a body scan (a systematic, step-by-step relaxation). At the conclusion of the scan, he encourages you to stay resting as long as you like and to notice how it affects whatever you do next.
  • Meditation can be a great stress management tool. In this session, Luke guides you through a basic meditation. You’ll learn how to establish a comfortable seat, connect with your breath, and focus your mind.
  • In this class, you’ll learn useful tips for how to prepare for a good night’s sleep. Luke also teaches you his favorite relaxing yoga pose to do before bed.
  • Luke talks about the importance of pausing after you do any kind of practice so you can enjoy a greater sense of well-being.
  • Yoga for Neck and Shoulders Ebook

How to Get This Course?

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Yoga International
This content is presented by one or more of the talented and dedicated staff members that we've worked... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this course in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This course is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Course completion.
No prerequisites are required; this course is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the course is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.

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Audrey Walker
I appreciate the breadth and depth of offering—classes, articles, workshops, courses for all levels of practitioners and for multiple styles of yoga teaching. I always learn new material and appreciate the opportunities to expand my own yoga knowledge and practice—as a teacher and a practitioner.
Megan Green
Yoga International brings diverse offerings in yoga, meditation, pranayama techniques and further education right into your home. I love the ability to use the various programs from home, making it possible to keep my practices consistent.
Richard Williams
Excellent source of information and knowledge! Many thanks! I love this platform and so do my students. The articles are amazing as are the classes and courses. YI covers every angle of helping us all deepen our practice.

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We’ve spent the last 30 years becoming an indispensable compendium of yoga practices and resources like no other. Since 1991, Yoga International has been a trusted source leading students to the best yoga classes and teachers in the world so they can experience the transformational health benefits of yoga.

While other platforms have shifted to pilates and fitness focused content, we’ve stayed true to yoga and our mission to help you find the path that works best for you.