
Morning Mobility: 5 Practices to Wake Up

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Challenge Overview

Feeling more empowered, strong, and stable in your body and mind at the beginning of the day can positively impact everything you do next. Join Rocky Heron for this five-day program that’s designed to get you moving in the morning and feeling more connected to yourself. After signing up, you’ll receive one (roughly) 25-minute class a day for five days that features whole-body practices designed to support joint health, and breathwork to recalibrate your nervous system. This is a great way to start a morning routine or add complementary practices to your existing one. Are you ready to greet the day with more energy and ease?

Teachers: Get 2 Hours of Continuing Education

Yoga Alliance requires all yoga teachers to accumulate at least 30 hours of continuing education every three years. Currently, you can fulfill your 20 non-contact hours and your 10 contact hours online.

Fulfilling these 2 hours is as easy as logging into the Yoga Alliance website and entering your hours after you’ve completed this programContinue your yoga education with this course and more from the Yoga International library!

Certificate of completion

3 CEU’s Upon Completion

Self Paced Learning

Challenge Outline

2hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • In this short introductory video, Rocky lays out some of the movements and breathwork you’ll do over the next five days. He also teaches you a quick practice you can do before each session to jump-start your energy.
Section 2
  • Wake up your joints with this full-body mobility sequence. You’ll begin this practice standing, working with your wrists and elbows, and then moving up toward your neck. Then you’ll journey down the chain of your body from your shoulders, through your spine and pelvis, to your hips, knees, and ankles. You’ll finish up with a few centering breaths and an empowering reflection. Enjoy getting your day started with happy joints!
Section 3
  • This floor sequence is ideal for those mornings when you’re feeling extra tired and not quite ready to be on your feet. The session begins with seated spinal movements and shoulder circles that build on the previous practice. Then you’ll move into tabletop position for a series of unique spinal undulations followed by side-lying hip movements, and more. You’ll close with breathwork and a brief meditation. Let this grounded class set the tone for your day.
Section 4
  • PD: Start your day with a dose of fun movement! In this standing sequence, Rocky leads you through a playful practice that isolates joint movements and then unites them to create fluid, full-body rolling actions in different directions. Then you’ll incorporate these rolling movements—using them to transition between downward facing dog and upward facing dog, and more—before exploring some free-spirited hip work. You’ll end with lively breathwork to energize you for the day ahead.
Section 5
  • In this class, you’ll be invited to start your day with gentle movement and introspective play. You’ll lie on the floor for the majority of the time, practicing heel rocks, hip rotations, full-body side bends, and much more. Linger in the areas of your body that feel good and interesting, and carry that curiosity into your day.
Section 6
  • In this final session, you’ll change up how you’ve been moving in the previous sessions and explore more traditional yoga poses that emphasize stability. You’ll begin with some grounding and energizing breathwork. Then you’ll move on to mountain pose, tree pose, downward facing dog, bridge pose, and more. Finally, you’ll conclude with alternate nostril breathing in order to cultivate stability on a more subtle level. See if you leave the mat feeling steadier and ready for whatever comes next.

How to Get This Challenge?

To obtain unlimited access to this challenge on all your devices, along with access to 300+ other yoga course and challenges, and all the content of Yoga International, just create a Yoga International account. The first 7 days are free. Cancel anytime!

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Meet Your Teacher

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Rocky Heron
Rocky Heron is an internationally acclaimed yoga educator and musician. Known for his uncanny wisdom... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.

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