
Primary Dosha Vata Bundle Course

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3 CEU’s Upon Completion

Self Paced Learning

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2hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • Vata’s elemental makeup consists of air and ether. The common translation of vata is “that which moves things.” Vata is often referred to as the vayu (wind) in the body, and it is the primary motivating force of the doshas—without it, the other doshas are unable to move. According to ayurveda, vata is responsible for our mental and physical adaptability. It is the energizing force of the body and mind, and it governs our nervous system, our bones, and our senses of touch and hearing. QUALITIES OR ATTRIBUTES OF VATA DOSHA Dry Light Cold Rough Subtle (as opposed to gross) Mobile (agitated movement)...
  • Invite the pleasures of fall indoors with a nutritious golden bowl of squash soup. When the hot days of summer give way to cooler windy weather, our bodies need food that is warming, grounding, and soothing. Ayurveda tells us warm foods with sweet, sour, or salty tastes calm and rebalance vata—the cool, dry, restless energy that tends to become excessive in the fall. Your body knows this intuitively, which is why a steaming bowl of soup and a hunk of crusty sourdough bread is so appealing on a blustery autumn night. Ayurveda also tells us that our digestive fire weakens as the sun sets. This is...
  • Calming the Nervous System for Vata Management

    Hatha Yoga
  • Evening Vata Pacifying Yoga

    Hatha Yoga
  • Morning Vata Pacifying Yoga

    Hatha Yoga

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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this course in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This course is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Course completion.
No prerequisites are required; this course is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the course is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.

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