
Radiant Pregnancy

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High quality courses and classes with experienced and authentic instructors.

Challenge Overview

Celebrate the sacred journey to motherhood through nurturing prenatal yoga classes designed to support, uplift, and inspire you as you create new life.

This course offers prenatal yoga classes that guide you through every phase of pregnancy, fostering a profound connection between you and your growing baby. Through yoga for pregnancy tailored to every stage, you’ll honor the beautiful changes that pregnancy brings while addressing the unique needs of your body, mind, and soul.

With Radiant Pregnancy, you’ll explore everything from fertility enhancement to embracing your changing body, relieving common pregnancy discomforts, and preparing for birth with calm confidence. These pregnancy exercises are thoughtfully crafted to adapt to your evolving needs, empowering you with techniques that grow alongside you and your baby.

Pregnancy is a deeply personal journey, and we invite you to tune into your body's wisdom, adapting each practice to honor your unique needs. Available as prenatal yoga online, this course enables you to experience these transformative benefits at home or wherever you feel most comfortable. As you move through this beautiful process, each breath and movement will deepen your connection to both your baby and the divine essence within you.

Note: Please obtain clearance from your healthcare provider before beginning this or any exercise program during pregnancy.

Certificate of completion

3 CEU’s Upon Completion

Self Paced Learning

Challenge Outline

5.8hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • 4 Common Prenatal Yoga Myths

Section 2
  • Whether because they have delayed starting a family in favor of a career, have given themselves more time to seek the right partner, or had difficulties conceiving, these days many women are having babies later and later in life. Waiting until later is not necessarily a bad thing. A report from Sweden concludes that having a child a bit later in life can actually contribute to greater health and education for that child. In addition, women who delay motherhood to explore education or career development may find that they’ve developed a stronger sense of their own identity before entering parenthood....
  • Enhance circulation and energy flow through fluid postures that release tension and nourish your body. Create optimal conditions for new life while finding deep calm in mind and body.
  • Support your body and mind while trying to get pregnant. Practice sighing breaths from savasana, a psoas-releasing practice, a lower-body-focused supine twist, hamstring stretches, self massage, and more.
Section 3
  • Embrace transformation and connect with your growing baby in this nurturing prenatal practice that blends gentle movement with mindful presence.
  • Quiet your thoughts and connect with your babe in this balanced "everyday" prenatal sequence which includes a centering, gentle core work, feel-good flow, strengthening standing poses and seated hip openers.
  • Embrace Mother Earth's support and tap into your innate birthing wisdom through this peaceful visualization. Release tension as you welcome joy and trust in your body's natural abilities. Cultivate deep peace and confidence on your journey to motherhood.
Section 4
  • Ulitize the natural energy surge of your second trimester through this dynamic practice. Open your chest, shoulders, hips, and legs while releasing tension and enhancing energy flow. Build strength and ease to support your changing body and growing baby.
  • Harness your blossoming second-trimester energy while creating space for your growing baby through side-body stretches, flowing warriors, and hip openers.
Section 5
  • Honor the sacred nature of your third trimester through mindful movement and breath. Build strength, stability, and flexibility with gentle flowing sequences. Follow your intuition as you deepen the connection with yourself and your baby.
  • Honor the deep connection with your baby in mind, body, and heart as you prepare for birth and the journey into motherhood. Nourish yourself with mindful breathing, gentle hip openers, and grounding seated postures, creating space and embracing your body's natural instincts to nest and rest.
Section 6
  • Pregnancy is an incredible experience that will take your breath away. Literally.  While many of us can relate to the image of a pregnant mama huffing and puffing toward the end of her term, breathing difficulties can actually occur as early as a few weeks after conception. In fact, shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a common symptom of early pregnancy, with 70 percent of us experiencing it in the first trimester.  Yogis are particularly in tune with their breath, often making them especially aware of breathing alterations during pregnancy. The yoga tradition holds that the breath is the external...
  • I had never been more intimately connected to my quadratus lumborum (QL) muscles than during my recent pregnancy. As a yoga teacher and athlete, I was aware of the QL and knew its basic functions, but I never grasped just how important those muscles were until they were restricted! Six-pack abdominals seem to get all the press when it comes to the “core,” but the QL plays an even more crucial role in supporting the upper and lower portions of our body. Unfortunately, during pregnancy (when the body may need it the most!), the QL has a high chance of tightening up and even spasming. Week 14 of pregnancy...
  • A pregnant body is a marvel to behold. I know because as I type this, a baby is growing at an incredible speed inside my belly, and my body is adjusting as quickly as it can. Just seven months ago, our baby was a fertilized egg burrowing itself into my uterine lining. Today it is kicking my ribs. Since implantation, everything has changed—from the placement of my organs, to the width of my rib cage, to how I place my feet on the earth. And it could not be more exciting!  The number of changes a pregnant body undergoes in a short amount of time, along with the body’s resilience in adapting, is nothing...
Section 7
  • Cultivate relaxation through yoga that you can recall during labor.
  • Connect to your breath, your baby, and your heart with this calming pre-labor meditation.
Section 8
  • Pregnancy can be both an exciting and a nerve-wracking time of all-encompassing change. The changes can vary dramatically from person to person, and also from one pregnancy to another. Even if you’ve read every baby book, mommy blog, and pregnancy magazine out there, you still might not fully anticipate what physical, mental, and emotional changes will ensue until you’re actually in the thick of it! And if you’ve had a regular yoga practice in the months or years preceding your pregnancy, you may also be wondering how your pregnancy will change your practice. Prenatal yoga is often recommended...
  • “You’re going to have a baby!” There are probably no words that have a greater effect on a woman’s life than these. Learning that you are to become a mother is a wonderful, scary, challenging, and emotional experience. But faithful yoga students always wonder if any asanas are contraindicated during their pregnancy and how they might be modified to make them safer and more enjoyable. Indeed, some cautions and adaptations to the standard yoga poses are advisable because of the physiological changes that take place in the pregnant body. In addition, I suggest postures that can alleviate fatigue in...
  • There is no avoiding the truth–pregnancy changes your yoga practice.  Every day of my recent pregnancy has offered a new lesson in what I can and cannot do.  I’ve found a new appreciation for props, and I’m having to get more and more creative about getting my foot to the front of the mat from downward facing dog. Most days I’m skipping vinyasas entirely and taking multiple breaths in every pose.  A far cry from my old days as a floating and flying ashtanga practitioner.  There’s nothing unique about my current struggles, though, as many pregnant yoga practitioners go through this. At the same...

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Meet Your Teachers

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Sonia Doubell
Sonia is the Founder of Moving Energy Yoga, a gentle practice that aims specifically at creating an inner... Read more
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Sue Elkind
Sue Elkind is an internationally respected Yoga teacher, educator, and author of the widely distributed... Read more
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Mel Campbell
Mel's journey on the mat first began in 1999. Since she studied yoga in the UK, India and Thailand. Her... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.

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