
Self-Care for Everywhere

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Challenge Overview

Take these yoga and mindfulness practices with you wherever you go to help combat the mental and physical stress of traveling.

Certificate of completion

3 CEU’s Upon Completion

Self Paced Learning

Challenge Outline

5.7hrs to complete

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Section 1
  • Get grounded in the air! This is a short seated practice you can do anywhere, including on a plane. There’s lots of feel-good stretching to enjoy: wrist stretches, cat-cows, shoulder rolls, seated eagle, side bends (that won’t get in your neighbor’s way!), toe stretches, and more. Enjoy this opportunity to get your circulation going in a tight space!
  • Travel a lot? Here’s a tension-releasing practice you can do on a plane that includes eagle arm backbends, seated cat-cows, and pigeons. You’ll also learn a few standing stretches for your quads and hips that you can do in the airport or your hotel room. So go ahead...travel with ease!
  • Explore a relaxing beginner chair yoga sequence where you’ll remain seated from start to finish. The class begins with a centering breathing exercise, then moves on to warm-ups of side-body stretches and seated twists. From there, you’ll stretch through your upper back with eagle variations and practice a figure four and forward fold variation. Enjoy this gentle seated flow!
  • Traveling, whether for work or a love of wandering, can take a toll. This class addresses the physical exhaustion of long flights and car rides; muscle tension from cramped quarters, poor posture, and fixed gaze; not to mention the mental fatigue that comes from changing time zones. You’ll begin in reclined baddha konasana (bound angle pose) with a blanket roll supporting your back. After that, you’ll move right into a spacious reclined twist (still supported by the blanket roll) followed by seal pose, puppy pose, pigeon, and a block-supported neck stretch!
  • Prepare for a smooth landing with a practice that’s all about coming home to your body. Allow yourself to feel grounded as you move through an opening sequence that includes a reverse warrior to triangle flow, tree pose, standing figure four, and more. After that, relax into a prone thigh stretch, a “baby bow” pose, a block-supported viparita karani (inverted action pose), and apanasana (knees to chest pose) before you unwind in savasana. Along the way, Jean gives you plenty of time to pause between poses and sides (in mountain pose and crocodile pose), so that you can have a more integrated and...
Section 2
  • Move through a series of full-body joint articulations and finish with seated pranayama and a little bit of meditation. This practice is a great way to begin your day, though it can be practiced at any point during the day—whenever you want to feel a little better and a little clearer in your mind and your body!
  • Join Valerie for an energizing vinyasa flow where the “peak pose” is your breath. You’ll begin by moving between down dog and plank (and variations of them). Then you’ll explore lunges, a chair flow, half sun salutes, and a standing series that includes warrior II, triangle, and side angle. After that, you’ll work with a dynamic bridge practice and a seated hip opener before coming onto your back and releasing all effort in savasana. Remember: The only true goal of this class is to breathe deeply. Pause to reconnect with your breath whenever you need to.
  • Experiencing a midday energy dip? Get out your mat and get your mojo back with this energizing flow that features backbends and twists.
Section 3
  • Work with your fears and move into a more empowered place with this lower- chakra-focused class. You’ll do core-strengthening movements from supine and seated, pair breath of fire with squat variations, do twisting movements from standing, cycle through knee to tricep transitions from plank...and more! Then let go at the end in savasana for a well-deserved rest.
  • This nuanced peak pose class leads toward three distinct approaches to crow pose, each designed to help you build strength and refine key actions in this pose.
  • Join Dan for this grounding whole-body sequence. You’ll begin with a feel-good standing warm-up. Then, you’ll move on to an activating squat variation, sun salutes, a horse stance flow, crow pose, a prone shoulder-mobilizing sequence, backbends, and more. Wind down with a block-supported viparita karani (or shoulderstand) and supine twists before closing in savasana.
Section 4
  • Stressed out? Relax with this easygoing flow that’s designed to activate the parasympathetic (non-reactive) nervous system. You’ll practice slow, rocking movements in loose versions of familiar poses and then conclude with a guided visualization to help you soften further and let go.
  • Invite deep sleep and sweet dreams with this peaceful practice. You'll begin with mantra, mudra, and pranayama practices. After that comes restorative versions of pigeon pose, child's pose, cow face pose (with crescents), head to knee pose, and more, before a concluding guided relaxation practice in reclining bound angle pose. Breathe well, rest well.
  • Looking for a short and sweet practice that will set you up for a restful evening? Enjoy this 20-minute class that's designed to help you down-regulate your nervous system. You'll practice simple postures that will move you inward. And you'll conclude with the ultra-relaxing restorative pose "Stonehenge".

How to Get This Challenge?

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This content is presented by one or more of the talented and dedicated staff members that we've worked... Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can include this challenge in your Yoga Alliance training hours, with each hour equivalent to one continuing education credit.
This challenge is entirely self- paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience.There are no imposed deadlines or time constraints for Challenge completion.
No prerequisites are required; this challenge is open to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and practice.
No, the challenge is accessible to all individuals interested in enriching their understanding and practice of yoga.Yoga teaching certification is not a prerequisite.

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