What are the Chakras?


Illuminating the 7 CHAKRAS

Yoga philosophy teaches about seven main chakras - subtle energy centers within the human body that influence physical, mental, and spiritual health. When the chakras are balanced and working in harmony, they align mind, body, and spirit to support self-discovery and spiritual growth. So, what are the chakras?

This article briefly explores the unique qualities of each chakra, including some associated colors, yoga poses, and elements of each chakra, as well as some suggested visualizations. These associations and suggestions are open to interpretation. It's important to reflect on your own experience as you learn more about the chakras and how you encounter them.


At the base of the spine lies the Root Chakra, the foundation of our being. Representing our sense of security and stability, the Root Chakra grounds us to the earth, anchoring us in the present moment.

Close your eyes and envision a vibrant red glow at the base of your spine. With each inhale, imagine roots extending deep into the earth, grounding you firmly. As you exhale, release any tension or fear, allowing yourself to feel supported and secure.

Root chakra grounding visualization:

Close your eyes and envision a vibrant red glow at the base of your spine. With each inhale, imagine roots extending deep into the earth, grounding you firmly. As you exhale, release any tension or fear, allowing yourself to feel supported and secure.


Moving upward, we encounter the Sacral Chakra, situated in the lower abdomen. This chakra is said to govern our emotions, creativity, and passion.

Sacral chakra creative flow visualization:

Visualize a swirling orange light in your pelvic area, radiating warmth and vitality. As you breathe deeply, invite a sense of creativity and joy to flow through you. With each breath, feel the ebb and flow of your emotions, embracing the full spectrum of human experience.


Next, we come to the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen. Known as the center of personal power and self-confidence, this chakra encourages us to take action and assert ourselves in the world.

    Affirmation: "I am confident and empowered."

    Color: Yellow

    Element: Fire

    Location: Upper abdomen

    Yoga Pose: Navasana (Boat Pose)

    Meditation: Strong and Powerful

    Yoga Practice: Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar plexus chakra empowerment visualization:

Picture a bright yellow sun shining brightly in your solar plexus region. With each breath, feel your inner fire igniting, filling you with courage and determination. Allow yourself to step into your power with confidence and conviction.


Moving to the center of the chest, we encounter the Heart Chakra, the seat of love and compassion. This chakra helps us connect to the universal energy of love, fostering deep connections with ourselves and others.

Heart chakra loving-kindness visualization:

Imagine a radiant green light expanding from your heart, enveloping you in a warm embrace. With each breath, cultivate feelings of love, forgiveness, and acceptance, both for yourself and those around you.


Ascending to the throat area, we encounter the Throat Chakra, the center of communication and self-expression. This chakra can empower us to speak our truth with clarity and authenticity.

Throat chakra communication visualization:

Visualize a vibrant blue light glowing in your throat, clearing away any blockages or limitations. As you inhale, feel your voice growing stronger and more confident. With each exhale, release any fear or hesitation, allowing your authentic voice to shine through.


Moving to the space between the eyebrows, we find the Third Eye Chakra, the seat of intuition and inner wisdom. This chakra is said to open the doorway to higher consciousness, allowing us to perceive the world with clarity and insight.

Third eye chakra intuition visualization:

Close your eyes and envision a deep indigo light pulsating in your third eye area. With each breath, feel a sense of clarity and vision expanding within you. Trust in your inner guidance and allow your intuition to be your guide.


Finally, we arrive at the Crown Chakra, situated at the top of the head. As the gateway to divine consciousness, this chakra connects us to the universal energy of the cosmos.

    Affirmation: "I am connected to the divine and the universe."

    Color: Violet

    Element: Cosmic energy

    Location: Top of the head

    Yoga Pose: Shirsasana (Headstand)

    Meditation: Open and Connected

    Yoga Practice: Balance Your Crown Chakra

Crown chakra divine connection visualization:

Imagine a brilliant violet light emanating from the crown of your head, illuminating the space around you. With each breath, feel a sense of oneness and unity with all of creation. Surrender to the divine flow of life, knowing that you are connected to something greater than yourself.


The wisdom of the chakras can help to cultivate balance, harmony, and alignment in every aspect of life. Remember, the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening is ongoing, and the chakras serve as guides on this sacred path, helping to connect and integrate the physical plane to the energetic.

Continue your exploration of chakras with our diverse array of classes and courses offering unique insights and practices to deepen your understanding and connection to these vital energy centers within the body.

CREATE CHAKRA HARMONY: Balancing the Chakras


GO DEEPER INTO THE SUBTLE BODY: Tantra and the Subtle Body


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